Herzlichen Willkommen beim TC Volmarstein


We hold our studio to a high standard of cleanliness. We staff a team of pool professionals to ensure the quality and safety of the pool water.

Our filtration system filters the whole body of water 10 times a day and our salt generator is one of the most advanced technology on the market. We are proud to say that we have always successfully passed every Health Inspection since opening our doors.

Studio Experience

We believe that Pilates is the path to a fuller, more satisfying physical existence. We believe that being in control of your body helps you to be in control of your life. 

Personal Training

Our individualized personal training focus on each student’s particular needs. Is personal training right for you?

The Team

Our instructors perform hundreds of hours of training to meet teacher standards so they can provide the highest quality workouts.


Tennisspieler halten viele verschiedene Muskelgruppen fit und haben ein großes Herzvolumen.  Zudem sind sie geringer von Stress und Herzkreislauferkrankungen belastet.


Regelmäßiges Training und die Bewegung an der frischen Luft tragen ihr übriges zum körperlichen und psychischen Wohlbefinden bei.


Koordination und mentale Stärke sind in dieser Sportart besonders wichtig.